BFNO Screen

BFNO Screen
Please download BFNO Anime Fight and Chronicles of Anime map from here to avoid hacks and other cheats

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Warcraft III Map

Hello everyone! The map is here!
download >>>

I expect to have bugged characters, currently they are Death the Kidd and Madara Uchiha :)

My latest addition is Random pick so it might have some issues about it :)

Please report all bugs/glitches/errors immediately, or message me your feedbacks.

Monday, November 17, 2014

CoA Update

Oooopsss! I forgot the update this blog :(
btw, CoA will be released in public 2 days from now, BUT! its not version 1.0, i will release version 0.9, then version 1.0 after I get more reports and feedbacks :3